Submit a Silviculture Job
Fill out the job posting form below to submit an open position to our job board.
Position Title & Information
Please provide some information about the vacant role(s).
Expected Salary of Wage
As is required by the Pay Transparency Act, job postings will need to explicitly stage wages unless they are paid by piece rate or flat rate.
Information About This Job
Please add specific information about your vacant role(s) here. Here are a list of details to include in your job description:
Duties and responsibilities (day-to-day job description)
Duration of opportunity
Other types of work associated with this role
Camp or accommodation costs
Special amenities in accommodation/camp
Type of accommodation/camp atmosphere
Pay system (ie. piece rate, hourly, salary)
Additional pay (ie. first aid duty, driving, vacation)
Training provided by your company for this role
Type of planting (ie. fast flat, steep technical, fills or straights, fertilizer or not)​
Qualifications & Experience
Please include a list of experience, training and qualifications required for this role. If this role does not require experience and is available to newcomers, then please state this and highlight learning that will be acquired during employment.​​​
How to Apply
Please let job seekers know how to apply for this role. These contact details will be visable by job seekers.